
Auctions of Used CNC Machines and Manufacturing Equipment

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There are Currently 2 Upcoming Auctions

CNC and Manual Machine Tools, Tooling and Industrial Equipment - MultiShop Online Auction

Previews: By Appointment Normal Business Hours Monday-Friday

Auction Starts: Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

Auction Ends: Tuesday, March 18th, 2025 at 10 AM CT


AIR COMPRESSORS: Zeks HeatSink True-Cycling Air Dryer,  Zeks HeatSink Air Dryer
CNC MACHINING CENTERS: Matsuura MAM72-25V PC2 5-Axis CNC VMC,  Milltronics RW-12 CNC Vertical Machining Center,  Kitamura 7X CNC VMC With 4th Axis ,10,000 RPM,  Roku-Roku GR-435N CNC Graphite Mill, 32,000 RPM
CNC LATHES: Haas SL-30 Big Bore CNC Turning Center, 15" 3-Jaw Chuck, Haas SL-30 CNC Turning Center with Haas CNC Control, 12-Station Turret w/ Live Milling, Miyano BND-51T CNC 3-Axis CNC Turning Center, Two Turrets, Bar Feed, Romi M20 CNC Flat Bed Lathe with Fanuc 21i-T Control, Hyundai - Kia SKT210SY CNC Turning Center w SubSpindle, Live Milling, Y-Axis
CNC ROUTER: Haas GR-510 CNC Vertical Bridge Type Machining Center
CNC MILLING MACHINES: LeBlond Makino KE-55 CNC Vertical Toolroom Mill
Drilling and Tapping Machines:  Sharp RD-820 Radial Arm Drill,  Walker Turner 20" Pedestal Drill Press
ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINES: Sodick AQ327L CNC Wire EDM,  Current CT300 CNC EDM Drill (Hole Popper)
FORKLIFT: Yale GLP060 Fork Lift Truck w/ 6000LB Cap.
GRINDERS: (2) Okamoto ACC-12.24DX 3-Axis Hydraulic Surface Grinder
GEAR MACHINERY:  Barber-Colman 6-10 Gear Hobber,  Reishauer ZB Gear Grinder
Inspection Equipment: (2) Tesa Micro-Hite 3D Coordinate Measuring Machine,  Clark CRM-12 Rockwell Hardness Tester
Milling Machines:  Bridgeport 1J 9"x42" Knee Mill with Newall 2-Axis DRO
MISCELLANEOUS: Tesa Micro-Hite CMM,  Miller CP-250 Welder,  Kurt Vises,  Micrometers,  Pin Gages,  Work Bench,  Lathe Chucks,  Collets, Change Gears/Gear Hobbers,  Perishable Tooling,  Tool Holders,  Tool Box,  Cabinets,  Clamps,  Drill Dr and MORE
SAW: Kalamazoo H9AW Horizontal Band Saw

Romi M20 CNC Flat Bed Lathe with Fanuc 21i-T Control
Romi M20 CNC Flat Bed Lathe with Fanuc 21i-T Control
Haas GR-510 CNC Vertical Bridge Type Machining Center with 10 Station ATC
Haas GR-510 CNC Vertical Bridge Type Machining Center with 10 Station ATC
Haas SL-30 Big Bore CNC Turning Center, 15" 3-Jaw Chuck, Chip Auger, Royal Mist Collector
Haas SL-30 Big Bore CNC Turning Center, 15" 3-Jaw Chuck, Chip Auger, Royal Mist Collector
Current CT300 CNC EDM Drill (Hole Popper)
Current CT300 CNC EDM Drill (Hole Popper)
Milltronics RW-12 CNC Vertical Machining Center with Centurion 8200 CNC Control, 10-Station Automatic Tool Changer
Milltronics RW-12 CNC Vertical Machining Center with Centurion 8200 CNC Control, 10-Station Automatic Tool Changer
Milltronics Partner ML15 Series D CNC Flat Bed CNC Lathe with Centurion V CNC Control, 8" 3-Jaw Chuck, Dorian 2-Way Tool Post, Tailstock
Milltronics Partner ML15 Series D CNC Flat Bed CNC Lathe with Centurion V CNC Control, 8" 3-Jaw Chuck, Dorian 2-Way Tool Post, Tailstock
Okamoto ACC-12.24DX 3-Axis Hydraulic Surface Grinder, 12"x24" Fine Pole Electromagnetic Chuck, Incremental Down Feed, Coolant System with Paper Filtration
Okamoto ACC-12.24DX 3-Axis Hydraulic Surface Grinder, 12"x24" Fine Pole Electromagnetic Chuck, Incremental Down Feed, Coolant System with Paper Filtration
LeBlond Makino KE-55 CNC Vertical Toolroom Mill with Professional JR CNC Control
LeBlond Makino KE-55 CNC Vertical Toolroom Mill with Professional JR CNC Control
Sodick AQ327L CNC Wire EDM - Electrical Discharge Machine with Linear Drives
Sodick AQ327L CNC Wire EDM - Electrical Discharge Machine with Linear Drives
Milltronics Partner VM24 Series B CNC Vertical Machining Center, Milltronics 8200 CNC Control, 20 Station Automatic Tool Changer, CAT 40
Milltronics Partner VM24 Series B CNC Vertical Machining Center, Milltronics 8200 CNC Control, 20 Station Automatic Tool Changer, CAT 40
Haas SL-30 CNC Turning Center with Haas CNC Control, 12-Station Turret w/ Live Milling, Full C-Axis, Haas Servo Bar 300, Tool Pre-Setter, Parts Catcher
Haas SL-30 CNC Turning Center with Haas CNC Control, 12-Station Turret w/ Live Milling, Full C-Axis, Haas Servo Bar 300, Tool Pre-Setter, Parts Catcher
Barber-Colman 6-10 Gear Hobber with Triple Thread Index
Barber-Colman 6-10 Gear Hobber with Triple Thread Index
Hyundai - Kia SKT210SY CNC Turning Center w SubSpindle, Live Milling, Y-Axis
Hyundai - Kia SKT210SY CNC Turning Center w SubSpindle, Live Milling, Y-Axis
Miyano BND-51T CNC 3-Axis CNC Turning Center, Upper 8 Station Turret with Live Milling on Even Stations, 6 Station Sub-Turret, Bar Feed
Miyano BND-51T CNC 3-Axis CNC Turning Center, Upper 8 Station Turret with Live Milling on Even Stations, 6 Station Sub-Turret, Bar Feed

CNC and Manual Machine Tools, Late Model - Low Hour: Haas, Acer, Summit, and More - Central Community College, Hastings and Columbus NE

Previews: Tuesday, March 25, 9AM to 4PM

Auction Starts: Tuesday, March 18th, 2025

Auction Ends: Tuesday, April 1st, 2025 at 10 AM CT


Excellent Machine Tools with Low Usage from College Classroom Environment
CNC LATHES: (3) Haas TL-1 CNC Toolroom Lathes (New 2015), Haas TL-2 CNC Toolroom Lathe (New 2012),  Mazak Super QuickTurn Mark II CNC Turning Center with Live Milling
CNC MACHINING CENTERS: Haas TM-1 CNC Toolroom Mill (New 2011), (3) Haas VF-1 CNC Vertical Machining Centers (New 2009)
GRINDERS: Acer AGS-1020AHD Automatic Surface Grinder with Incremental Downfeed, (2) Acer Supra 618III Hand Feed Surface Grinders (NEW 2014), Sterling Model DG Drill Grinder, Baldor Model 500 Double End Carbide ToolGrinder
LATHES: (2) Acer 1740G 17" x 40" Engine Lathes w Digital Readouts (NEW 2014), Summit 14X40 Engine Lathe w Digital Readouts (NEW 2005), Knuth 230/1500V 18" x 60" Engine Lathe w Digital Readouts (New 2013)
MILLS: (3) Acer EVS-3VS Vertical Toolroom Mills -Electronic Variable Speed w Digital Readouts and Power Drawbars (NEW 2008, 2006, 2005), Acer Ultima 3VS Verical Toolroom Mill - Variable Speed w Digital Readouts

Haas VF-1D CNC Vertical Machining Center, 20" x 16" x 20", CT 40, 20 Station Automatic Tool Changer, 7,500 RPM Spindle, 4th Axis Drive
Haas VF-1D CNC Vertical Machining Center, 20" x 16" x 20", CT 40, 20 Station Automatic Tool Changer, 7,500 RPM Spindle, 4th Axis Drive
Acer AGS-1020AHD Surface Grinder, Automatic, Inc Downfeed,  Over-Wheel-Dresser, Acu-Rite Y-Axis DRO
Acer AGS-1020AHD Surface Grinder, Automatic, Inc Downfeed, Over-Wheel-Dresser, Acu-Rite Y-Axis DRO
Acer EVS-3VS Vertical Milling Machine, Electronic Variable Speed, Newall 2X DRO, Power Drawbar, Power Table Feed, 3 HP
Acer EVS-3VS Vertical Milling Machine, Electronic Variable Speed, Newall 2X DRO, Power Drawbar, Power Table Feed, 3 HP
Acer 1740G E Lathe, 17" x 40", Elect Variable Speed to 2000 RPM, Tailstock, 10" 3-Jaw Chuck Chuck, Newall 2-Axis DRO
Acer 1740G E Lathe, 17" x 40", Elect Variable Speed to 2000 RPM, Tailstock, 10" 3-Jaw Chuck Chuck, Newall 2-Axis DRO
Acer Supra-618II Surface Grinder, 6" x 18", Hand Feeds, Permanent Mag Chuck, (New 2014)
Acer Supra-618II Surface Grinder, 6" x 18", Hand Feeds, Permanent Mag Chuck, (New 2014)
Haas TL-1 CNC Toolroom Lathe,16" x 30", 3-Jaw Chuck, Tailstock, Enclosure
Haas TL-1 CNC Toolroom Lathe,16" x 30", 3-Jaw Chuck, Tailstock, Enclosure
Knuth Turnado 230/1500V Engine Lathe,  18" x 59", 3-Axis Digital Readout, Variable Speed, Taper Attachment
Knuth Turnado 230/1500V Engine Lathe, 18" x 59", 3-Axis Digital Readout, Variable Speed, Taper Attachment
Chmer Model CM-240 Sinker EDM, System 3R Orbicut  Control, Walker 9"x18" Electromagnetic Chuck, Acu-Rite 2-Axis DRO
Chmer Model CM-240 Sinker EDM, System 3R Orbicut Control, Walker 9"x18" Electromagnetic Chuck, Acu-Rite 2-Axis DRO
Haas TL-1 CNC Toolroom Lathe, Tailstock, Dorian Quick Change Toolpost, 10" 3-Jaw Chuck
Haas TL-1 CNC Toolroom Lathe, Tailstock, Dorian Quick Change Toolpost, 10" 3-Jaw Chuck
Haas TM-1 CNC Toolroom Mill, 30" x 16" x 16", CT40 Taper, 4,000 RPM, Rigid Tapping
Haas TM-1 CNC Toolroom Mill, 30" x 16" x 16", CT40 Taper, 4,000 RPM, Rigid Tapping
Mazak Super Quick Turn 15M Mark II CNC Turning Center, 8" 3-Jaw Chuck, Tailstock, Chip Conveyor
Mazak Super Quick Turn 15M Mark II CNC Turning Center, 8" 3-Jaw Chuck, Tailstock, Chip Conveyor