
Auctions of Used CNC Machines and Manufacturing Equipment

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There are Currently 2 Upcoming Auctions

Machine Shop Auction - Brooklyn Park, MN - Due to Purchase and Relocation of NW Swiss-Matic

Previews: Friday, February 28, 2025 9AM to 4PM

Auction Starts: Tuesday, February 18th, 2025

Auction Ends: Tuesday, March 4th, 2025 at 10 AM CT


AIR COMPRESSORS: Gardner Denver EBHQJC Electra-Saver II 50 HP Rotary Screw Air Compressor
CNC MACHINING CENTERS: Hurco VMX30 CNC Vertical Machining Center with Hurco WinMax CNC Control, (2 Avail) Matsuura MC-510VG CNC Vertical Machining Center with Yasnac Control
AUTOMATICS: (4 Avail) Escomatic D6 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine with Coil Reel, Escomatic D2 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine with Coil Reel
MILLING MACHINES: Bridgeport 2J Variable Speed Knee Mill with Sony Millman 2 Axis DRO, Bridgeport 2J Vertical Knee Mill with Power X Travel, Bridgeport 2J Vertical Knee Mill, Bridgeport Series I Knee Mill with Sony Millman 2 Axis DRO
LATHES: (3 Avail) Hardinge DSM-59 Second Operation Lathe with Lever Operated 5C Collet Closer with Assorted 5C Collets and 6-Station End Working Slide, on Portable Base with Casters, Hardinge HLV-H Toolroom Lathe, Friedrich Rambold 6" End-Working Hand Screw
GRINDERS: Toyoda GUP10-30 Plain Cylindrical Grinder, Sheffield 122-VA Microform Grinder with Acu-Rite 2-Axis DRO, Glendo Corp Carbide Tool Bit Grinder, Jones & Shipman 1600 Center Lapping Machine
SURFACE GRINDERS: Boyar-Schultz Six Twelve Deluxe Surface Grinder, Manual or Automatic Operation, Brown & Sharpe 510 Hand Feed Surface Grinder
TOOL & CUTTER GRINDERS: Top Work CM-2 Monoset Tool and Cutter Grinder, Cincinnati Monoset Tool & Cutter Grinder, Star BG-2 Double End Diamond Wheel Precision Tool & Cutter Grinder, (2 Avail) Doebeli Kombi-Schliff Diamond Wheel Carbide Tool Grinder
HONES: (2 Avail) Sunnen MBC-1802 Precision Horizontal Hone
SAWS: DoAll C-260NC Automatic Horizontal Band Saw, Enco 137-3165 7" x 12" Horizontal Band Saw, Kalamazoo 7" x 10" Horizontal Band Saw with Extra Blades, 1/2 HP Motor and Manual Vise, Powermatic 143 Vertical Band Saw with 14" Throat, 15" x 15" Tilting Table, Blade Welder and Grinder
ROTARY TABLE: (3 Avail) Haas HA5C Brush Type Rotary w/ Haas Servo Control
GEAR MACHINERY: Barber-Coleman 2-1/2 - 4 Gear Hobbing Machine
PRESSES: 40 Ton Northern Tool H-Frame Hydraulic Shop Press with Safety Door, Ironton 20-Ton Hydraulic Shop Press, Dake No. 0 Arbor Press
BAR FEEDER: Spego Turnamic 126-13 Hydraulic Bar Feed
INSPECTION: Starrett AVR 300-Z-M3-3LED Vertical Benchtop Vision System, Starrett HE-400 16" Comparator, Micro-Vu H-14 Optical Comparator with Micro-Vu Q16 Computer, Vision Engineering Lynx Dynascope Stereo Microscope
MISCELLANEOUS: Drill Presses, Lifting Hoist, Dust Collectors, Micrometers, Pin Gages, Granite Surface Plate, Coolant Pump, Work Bench, Lathe Chucks, Collets, Perishable Tooling, Tool Holders, Tool Boxes, Pallet Racking, Cabinets & Shelves, Rolling Carts, Fans, Scrap Metal, Storage Bins and MORE

Bridgeport 2J Variable Speed Knee Mill with Sony Millman 2 Axis DRO, Kurt Power Lock Draw Bar
Bridgeport 2J Variable Speed Knee Mill with Sony Millman 2 Axis DRO, Kurt Power Lock Draw Bar
Escomatic D6 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine with Coil Reel (E3)
Escomatic D6 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine with Coil Reel (E3)
Escomatic D2 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine with Coil Reel (E1)
Escomatic D2 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine with Coil Reel (E1)
Bridgeport Series I Knee Mill with Sony Millman 2 Axis DRO
Bridgeport Series I Knee Mill with Sony Millman 2 Axis DRO
Hardinge DSM-59 Second Operation Lathe with Lever Operated 5C Collet Closer with Assorted 5C Collets and 6-Station End Working Slide, on Portable Base with Casters
Hardinge DSM-59 Second Operation Lathe with Lever Operated 5C Collet Closer with Assorted 5C Collets and 6-Station End Working Slide, on Portable Base with Casters
Top Work CM-2 Monoset Tool and Cutter Grinder
Top Work CM-2 Monoset Tool and Cutter Grinder
Micro-Vu H-14 Optical Comparator with Micro-Vu Q16 Computer
Micro-Vu H-14 Optical Comparator with Micro-Vu Q16 Computer

CNC and Manual Machine Tools, Tooling and Industrial Equipment - MultiShop Online Auction

Previews: By Appointment Normal Business Hours Monday-Friday

Auction Starts: Tuesday, March 4th, 2025

Auction Ends: Tuesday, March 18th, 2025 at 10 AM CT


AIR COMPRESSORS: Zeks HeatSink True-Cycling Air Dryer, Model 150HSGA100, Zeks HeatSink Air Dryer, Model 150HSEA100
CNC MACHINING CENTERS: Matsuura MAM72-25V PC2 5-Axis CNC Vertical Machining Center with Pallet Changer, Milltronics RW-12 CNC Vertical Machining Center with Centurion 8200 CNC Control, 10-Station Automatic Tool Changer, Haas VF-2 4-Axis, CNC Vertical Machining Center with Haas HA5C Rotary Indexer, 15k RPM Spindle, Haas VF-0 4-Axis CNC Vertical Machining Center with Haas HA5C Rotary Indexer, 15k RPM Spindle, Kitamura 7X CNC Vertical Machining Center With 4th Axis ,10,000 RPM, CAT40 ,YASNAC Control, Chip Auger, Chip Conveyor
CNC LATHES: Haas SL-30 Big Bore CNC Turning Center, 15" 3-Jaw Chuck, Chip Auger, Royal Mist Collector, Haas SL-30 CNC Turning Center with Haas CNC Control, 12-Station Turret w/ Live Milling, Full C-Axis, Haas Servo Bar 300, Tool Pre-Setter, Parts Catcher, Miyano BND-51T CNC 3-Axis CNC Turning Center, Two Turrets, Bar Feed, Romi M20 CNC Flat Bed Lathe with Fanuc 21i-T Control
CNC ROUTER: Haas GR-510 CNC Vertical Bridge Type Machining Center with 10 Station ATC
ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINES: Sodick AQ327L CNC Wire EDM - Electrical Discharge Machine with Linear Drives, Current CT300 CNC EDM Drill (Hole Popper)
MILLING MACHINES: LeBlond Makino KE-55 CNC Vertical Toolroom Mill with Professional JR CNC Control
GRINDERS: (2) Okamoto ACC-12.24DX 3-Axis Hydraulic Surface Grinder
GEAR MACHINERY:  Barber-Colman 6-10 Gear Hobber with Triple Thread Index, Reishauer ZB Gear Grinder with Coolant System
FORKLIFT: Yale GLP060 Fork Lift Truck w/ 6000LB Cap.
SAW: Kalamazoo H9AW Horizontal Band Saw
MISCELLANEOUS: Tesa Micro-Hite CMM, Miller CP-250 Welder, Kurt Vises, Micrometers, Pin Gages, Work Bench, Lathe Chucks, Collets, Change Gears/Gear Hobbers, Perishable Tooling, Tool Holders, Tool Box, Cabinets, Clamps, Drill Dr and MORE

Romi M20 CNC Flat Bed Lathe with Fanuc 21i-T Control
Romi M20 CNC Flat Bed Lathe with Fanuc 21i-T Control
Haas GR-510 CNC Vertical Bridge Type Machining Center with 10 Station ATC
Haas GR-510 CNC Vertical Bridge Type Machining Center with 10 Station ATC
Haas SL-30 Big Bore CNC Turning Center, 15" 3-Jaw Chuck, Chip Auger, Royal Mist Collector
Haas SL-30 Big Bore CNC Turning Center, 15" 3-Jaw Chuck, Chip Auger, Royal Mist Collector
Current CT300 CNC EDM Drill (Hole Popper)
Current CT300 CNC EDM Drill (Hole Popper)
Milltronics RW-12 CNC Vertical Machining Center with Centurion 8200 CNC Control, 10-Station Automatic Tool Changer
Milltronics RW-12 CNC Vertical Machining Center with Centurion 8200 CNC Control, 10-Station Automatic Tool Changer
Milltronics Partner ML15 Series D CNC Flat Bed CNC Lathe with Centurion V CNC Control, 8" 3-Jaw Chuck, Dorian 2-Way Tool Post, Tailstock
Milltronics Partner ML15 Series D CNC Flat Bed CNC Lathe with Centurion V CNC Control, 8" 3-Jaw Chuck, Dorian 2-Way Tool Post, Tailstock
Okamoto ACC-12.24DX 3-Axis Hydraulic Surface Grinder, 12"x24" Fine Pole Electromagnetic Chuck, Incremental Down Feed, Coolant System with Paper Filtration
Okamoto ACC-12.24DX 3-Axis Hydraulic Surface Grinder, 12"x24" Fine Pole Electromagnetic Chuck, Incremental Down Feed, Coolant System with Paper Filtration
LeBlond Makino KE-55 CNC Vertical Toolroom Mill with Professional JR CNC Control
LeBlond Makino KE-55 CNC Vertical Toolroom Mill with Professional JR CNC Control
Sodick AQ327L CNC Wire EDM - Electrical Discharge Machine with Linear Drives
Sodick AQ327L CNC Wire EDM - Electrical Discharge Machine with Linear Drives
Milltronics Partner VM24 Series B CNC Vertical Machining Center, Milltronics 8200 CNC Control, 20 Station Automatic Tool Changer, CAT 40
Milltronics Partner VM24 Series B CNC Vertical Machining Center, Milltronics 8200 CNC Control, 20 Station Automatic Tool Changer, CAT 40
Haas SL-30 CNC Turning Center with Haas CNC Control, 12-Station Turret w/ Live Milling, Full C-Axis, Haas Servo Bar 300, Tool Pre-Setter, Parts Catcher
Haas SL-30 CNC Turning Center with Haas CNC Control, 12-Station Turret w/ Live Milling, Full C-Axis, Haas Servo Bar 300, Tool Pre-Setter, Parts Catcher
Barber-Colman 6-10 Gear Hobber with Triple Thread Index
Barber-Colman 6-10 Gear Hobber with Triple Thread Index
Hyundai - Kia SKT210SY CNC Turning Center w SubSpindle, Live Milling, Y-Axis
Hyundai - Kia SKT210SY CNC Turning Center w SubSpindle, Live Milling, Y-Axis
Miyano BND-51T CNC 3-Axis CNC Turning Center, Two Turrets, Bar Feed
Miyano BND-51T CNC 3-Axis CNC Turning Center, Two Turrets, Bar Feed