AIR COMPRESSORS: Gardner Denver EBHQJC Electra-Saver II 50 HP Rotary Screw Air Compressor CNC MACHINING CENTERS: Hurco VMX30 CNC Vertical Machining Center with Hurco WinMax CNC Control, (2 Avail) Matsuura MC-510VG CNC Vertical Machining Center with Yasnac Control AUTOMATICS: (4 Avail) Escomatic D6 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine with Coil Reel, Escomatic D2 Single Spindle Automatic Screw Machine with Coil Reel MILLING MACHINES: Bridgeport 2J Variable Speed Knee Mill with Sony Millman 2 Axis DRO, Bridgeport 2J Vertical Knee Mill with Power X Travel, Bridgeport 2J Vertical Knee Mill, Bridgeport Series I Knee Mill with Sony Millman 2 Axis DRO LATHES: (3 Avail) Hardinge DSM-59 Second Operation Lathe with Lever Operated 5C Collet Closer with Assorted 5C Collets and 6-Station End Working Slide, on Portable Base with Casters, Hardinge HLV-H Toolroom Lathe, Friedrich Rambold 6" End-Working Hand Screw GRINDERS: Toyoda GUP10-30 Plain Cylindrical Grinder, Sheffield 122-VA Microform Grinder with Acu-Rite 2-Axis DRO, Glendo Corp Carbide Tool Bit Grinder, Jones & Shipman 1600 Center Lapping Machine SURFACE GRINDERS: Boyar-Schultz Six Twelve Deluxe Surface Grinder, Manual or Automatic Operation, Brown & Sharpe 510 Hand Feed Surface Grinder TOOL & CUTTER GRINDERS: Top Work CM-2 Monoset Tool and Cutter Grinder, Cincinnati Monoset Tool & Cutter Grinder, Star BG-2 Double End Diamond Wheel Precision Tool & Cutter Grinder, (2 Avail) Doebeli Kombi-Schliff Diamond Wheel Carbide Tool Grinder HONES: (2 Avail) Sunnen MBC-1802 Precision Horizontal Hone SAWS: DoAll C-260NC Automatic Horizontal Band Saw, Enco 137-3165 7" x 12" Horizontal Band Saw, Kalamazoo 7" x 10" Horizontal Band Saw with Extra Blades, 1/2 HP Motor and Manual Vise, Powermatic 143 Vertical Band Saw with 14" Throat, 15" x 15" Tilting Table, Blade Welder and Grinder ROTARY TABLES: (3 Avail) Haas HA5C Brush Type Rotary w/ Haas Servo Control GEAR MACHINERY: Barber-Coleman 2-1/2 - 4 Gear Hobbing Machine PRESSES: 40 Ton Northern Tool H-Frame Hydraulic Shop Press with Safety Door, Ironton 20-Ton Hydraulic Shop Press, Dake No. 0 Arbor Press BAR FEEDER: Spego Turnamic 126-13 Hydraulic Bar Feed INSPECTION: Starrett AVR 300-Z-M3-3LED Vertical Benchtop Vision System, Starrett HE-400 16" Comparator, Micro-Vu H-14 Optical Comparator with Micro-Vu Q16 Computer, Vision Engineering Lynx Dynascope Stero Microscope MISCELLANEOUS: Drill Presses, Lifting Hoist, Dust Collectors, Micrometers, Pin Gages, Granite Surface Plate, Coolant Pump, Work Bench, Lathe Chucks, Collets, Perishable Tooling, Tool Holders, Tool Boxes, Pallet Racking, Cabinets & Shelves, Rolling Carts, Fans, Scrap Metal, Storage Bins and MORE