Excellent Machine Tools with Low Usage from College Environment CNC LATHES: (3) Haas TL-1 CNC Toolroom Lathes (New 2015), Haas TL-2 CNC Toolroom Lathe (New 2012), Mazak Super QuickTurn Mark II CNC Turning Center with Live Milling CNC MACHINING CENTERS: Haas TM-1 CNC Toolroom Mill (New 2011), (3) Haas VF-1 CNC Vertical Machining Centers (New 2009) GRINDERS: Acer AGS-1020AHD Automatic Surface Grinder with Incremental Downfeed, (2) Acer Supra 618III Hand Feed Surface Grinders (NEW 2014), Sterling Model DG Drill Grinder, Baldor Model 500 Double End Carbide ToolGrinder LATHES: (2) Acer 1740G 17" x 40" Engine Lathes w Digital Readouts (NEW 2014), Summit 14X40 Engine Lathe w Digital Readouts (NEW 2005), Knuth 230/1500V 18" x 60" Engine Lathe w Digital Readouts (New 2013) MILLS: (3) Acer EVS-3VS Vertical Toolroom Mills -Electronic Variable Speed w Digital Readouts and Power Drawbars (NEW 2008, 2006, 2005), Acer Ultima 3VS Verical Toolroom Mill - Variable Speed w Digital Readouts EDM (ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINE): Chmer CD-50MH Sinker Type EDM